Extend your Summer Swim Season with a New Heat Pump

Posted July 10, 2024

Heat Pumps are the easy way to heat your swimming pool and as summer approaches, it's a great time to upgrade your swimming pool heating system,  so you are ready for the  summer swim season. 

Heat pumps are sized on the surface area of your water space, climate environs , and daily usage. Heat pumps are suitable for residential, school, community, council, and commercial swimming pool applications.

Why use a Heat Pump 

Heat pump water heating is renowned for energy efficiency and  accompanied with the MacBall Thermal pool cover, is the sustainable pool water heating option. Heat pump  technology is the same irrespective of the size of your pool, all that changes is the kw required to heat your water space, and this is reflected in the increased size of the exterior fan unit!

The heat pump fan unit photograph illustrates the different sized exterior fan units used to heat, substantially different sized water spaces.     

Enhance your Heat Pump's Efficiency with the addition of a Thermal Pool Cover. 

If you don't already have a thermal pool cover for your swimming pool, consider investing in a new MacBall Thermal Pool Cover. These pool covers naturally adhere to the water's surface, trapping valuable heat, water, and chemicals that would otherwise be lost through evaporation, and temperature change between day and night.   

Request a Customised Quote

Contact our friendly team for a tailored Heat Pump and/ or MacBall Thermal Pool Cover Quote for your residential or commercial water space, to ensure you are ready for summer.
